4 Creative Ways to Save Energy This Fall

With the air conditioning starting to phase out and the heat kicking in, this is the awkward time of year when it’s confusing to know whether to wear shorts and sandals or boots and sweaters. With pumpkin-spiced everything and football playing in the background, it’s no surprise...
Posted On 29 Aug 2018

4 Critical Factors in Determining When to Go Solar

The cost of solar declines every year. With an increased emphasis on renewable energy,  there are many tax incentives and financial benefits that make solar much more affordable for the average homeowner. Many people wonder when the best time to go solar is. Should I wait to go...
Posted On 06 Aug 2018

5 Compelling Reasons to Go Solar

Switching to solar power is a major decision. We understand that the solar switch is laced with number-crunching, Google searching, and neighbor prodding. As a serious investment, it’s your number one goal to understand fully the pros and cons. In this article we’ll discuss some...
Posted On 02 Aug 2018

Solar Power: Two Types of Savings

The cries of “do this and you’ll save money” are heard widely across all platforms. It’s natural—and wise—to be skeptical of these trendy investment opportunities. Solar panels boast the same mantra—go solar and you’ll save money. Is there research to back up these claims? Does...
Posted On 26 Jul 2018

Do Solar Panels Work at Night?

Picture this: You’re up at midnight watching the recent blockbuster you’ve been dying to see. It’s the final showdown between villain and hero. Everyone is on the edge of her seat. And then…the power clicks off. Wonderful. A power outage can be a source of concern for...
Posted On 12 Jul 2018

Google Parts with Millions to Help Americans Switch to Solar Power

Very noble indeed! The search giant Google has partnered with SolarCity and already dumped more than $300 million into a fund to help Americans install solar panels on their homes. SolarCity has already garnered $750 million to help finance homeowners in 15 states. SolarCity says...
Solar Incentives

Residential Solar Incentives – What is Available?

Most Americans are supportive of increasing our energy independence, reducing our reliance on fossil fuels, and using renewable energy sources.  With the current array of incentives being offered, there has never been a better time to make the switch to solar energy. Today there...
Posted On 01 Apr 2014

Why Every 4 Minutes Another US Home Owner Installs Solar Panels!

President Obama stated “It’s not just oil and natural gas production that’s booming; we’re becoming a global leader in solar, too,” he said. “Every four minutes, another American home or business goes solar.”
Posted On 28 Feb 2014